Right to withdraw from a contract

Based on the § 1829 prg 1 Civil Code, if the purchase contract is concluded by means of distance communication (in the online store), the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receiving the item without providing a reason.

Withdrawal from the purchase contract must be sent to the Seller within the period specified in the previous paragraph, and the Buyer shall state that he withdraws from the contract while ideally specifying the order number, date of purchase and possibly the account number for a refund.

In order to withdraw from the purchase contract, the Buyer may also use the sample form provided by the Seller.

The contract withdrawal may be sent to the Seller’s registered office address or to the Seller’s e-mail address.

Considering the Buyer withdraws from the contract as described in the paragraphs above, the Seller shall return the funds received from the Buyer (except for the amount representing the additional cost of delivery resulting from the Buyer’s chosen method of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Seller) within 14 days from the withdrawal by the Buyer, by the same way the Seller has received the payment from the Buyer, unless the Buyer specifies otherwise. The Seller is also entitled to return the costs covered by the Buyer already when the item is being returned by the Buyer or by other means, if the Buyer so agrees and it does not cause any additional costs to Buyer.

Once the Buyer withdrew from the purchase contract, the Seller shall not be obliged to return the funds received to the Buyer before the Buyer returns the items or proves that the items have been sent to the Seller.

However, the provision of the Civil Code on withdrawal from the contract within 14 days pursuant § 1829 (1) prg. of the Civil Code cannot be understood as the possibility of a free loan of items.

In the case of exercising the right of withdrawal within 14 days of receiving the item pursuant 1829 (1) prg. of the Civil Code, the Buyer shall give the Seller everything he has obtained under the contract in question, including gifts, within 14 days. If this is no longer possible (eg in the meantime the items have been destroyed or consumed), the Buyer shall provide a monetary compensation in return for what can no longer be issued.

If the returned goods are partially damaged, the Seller may claim the Buyer’s right to compensation and include his claim in the refunded purchase price and thus refund the Buyer the reduced purchase price according to § 1833 CC.

The Buyer shall not have the right to withdraw from the contract in the cases specified in § 1837 of the Civil Code.

The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract due to the stock sellout, unavailability of the items or if the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the items has ceased the production or import of the items. The Seller shall promptly inform the Buyer via email address specified in the order and shall refund all charges received by the Buyer including delivery costs within 14 days of notifying about the contract withdrawal in the same way or in other way specified by the Buyer.

Rights and obligations from defective performance

Quality at takeover

If the items received are defective at the time the buyer took over the item (eg it does not have the agreed or legitimately expected characteristics, does not fit the usual or agreed purpose, is incomplete, the quantity, measure, weight, or quality does not correspond to other legal, contractual or pre-contractual parameters), these are the defects of items for which shall the Seller be held responsible.

The Buyer may claim from the Seller a free of charge removal of the defect or a reasonable discount on the price in no later than two years from receiving the item; if it is not disproportionate to the nature of the defect (especially if the defect cannot be removed without unnecessary delay), the Buyer can demand to have a new item delivered or its component free of defect, if the defect applies only to this particular part.

If the repair or exchange of the item is not possible, the Buyer may demand a full refund of the purchase price as based on the withdrawal from the contract.

If the defect becomes apparent within six months upon receipt by the Buyer, it is deemed that the item has been already defective by the time of receipt.

The Seller shall not be obliged to comply with the Buyer’s claim if he proves that the Buyer was aware about the defect before accepting the item or that he has caused the defect himself.

In the case of second-hand items the Seller shall not be responsible for the defects corresponding to the extent of previous use or wear. For the items sold at a lower price, the Seller shall not be responsible for the defect for which the lower price was agreed. Instead of the right to exchange the item, the buyer has then the right for a reasonable discount.

Legal rights from defects

The Buyer is entitled to claim the right from the defect that occurs with the consumer goods within twenty-four months of receipt.

The Buyer is entitled to claim the right from the defect that the item had when passing the risk of damage on to the Buyer, even if it becomes apparent later. The right of the Buyer shall be also established by the defect later caused by the Seller breaching his obligation.

The Buyer is obliged to report the defect to the Seller without delay once he has been able to identify it with timely inspection and sufficient care.

Within this period, the Buyer is entitled to claim a return and by his choice to claim that the defect which constitutes a substantial breach of contract (regardless of whether the defect is removable or irremovable) shall be:

– removed by delivering a new item without defect or by delivering the missing
– removed of the defect by repair free of charge;
– discounted reasonably from the purchase price,
– fully refunded based on the withdrawal from a contract

A significant breach of contract shall be considered the one that the breaching party already knew about or must have known at the time of the contract conclusion if the other party had not foreseen the breach.

For a defect that constitutes a minor breach of contract (regardless of whether the defect is removable or non-removable) is the Buyer entitled to claim a defect removal or a reasonable discount on the purchase price.

If the removable defect occurred repeatedly after repair (third complaint for the same defect or the fourth for a different defect) or if the items have a number of defects (at least three defects at the same time), the Buyer may claim a discount from the purchase price or to withdraw from a contract.

The seller shall be not responsible for defects caused by regular use and wear or failure to observe the instructions of use.

Complaint handling

(detailed information may be stated in the Complaints Procedure section) Once the defect is found, the Buyer is obliged to file a complaint with the Seller or with the person responsible for the repair without undue delay. If he / she does so in writing or electronically, he / she should provide his / her contact details, a description of the defect and a request on how the complaint should be handled.

The Buyer is obliged to inform the Seller which right (method of handling the complaint) has he chosen while reporting the defect or not too long after the
defect has been reported.

A change of choice without the Seller’s consent shall be possible only if the Buyer asked for repair of the defect, which further proves to be irremovable.

Shall the Buyer not claim his right from a substantial breach of a contract in due time, he has the rights as in a minor breach of contract.

If the Seller refuses to remove the defect, the Buyer may request a reasonable discount from the price or to withdraw from the contract.

The warranty period is extended by the time from the complaint settlement or until the time the Buyer was obliged to collect the item.

The Seller bounds himself to inform the Buyer about the complaint settlement by e-mail or SMS.

The Buyer is entitled to a reimbursement of reasonably incurred costs in the case of a justified complaint.

Protection of personal data

When using our services we collect various types of information, such as your username and password, your contacts, and other settings. We keep track of what products you are viewing on our site and from which device as well as what types of our email offers you are interested in. From that we are gaining other additional information about you so we can show you tailor-made offers and improve our site in the future. When purchasing an item or creating an account with us, we also work with your first and last name, your orders, and the information you set up in your account.

– We process the following personal data:
– identification data, which means, in particular, the name and surname, user name and password, or ID number if you are paying in instalments, ID number and VAT number if you are a business person.
– contact information, which means personal information that enables us to
contact you, in particular your e-mail address, telephone number, delivery address, billing address and your social networks contact
– your settings, which include information in your account, in particular your saved addresses and profiles, newsletter settings, loyalty program memberships, shopping lists (the so called watchdogs), your product and service ratings, and completed questionnaires;
– information on your orders, in particular details of the items and services
ordered, delivery and payment method, including payment account number and
complaint history,
– Information on your behaviour on the web, including when you access through
our mobile app, especially the items and services you display, the links you click, the way you navigate through our site, and how you scroll the screen , the information on the device from which you access our website, such as IP address and location, device identification, its technical parameters such as operating system and version, screen resolution, browser used and its version, as well as data obtained from cookies and similar device identification technologies;
– Information on your reading behaviour from the emails that we send you,
especially the times of reading these messages as well as the device you are reading the messages on, such as the IP address and its location, device identification, technical parameters such as operating system and version, screen resolution, browser used and its versions;
– related information, meaning personal information derived from your settings,
information about the items and services you bought from us, your behavior on
the web, and your reading behavior of the emails we send you; notably your
gender, age, financial situation, purchasing behavior and relation to the different items and services;
– data related to the use of the call center or the store visit particularly the call records with the call center, identification of the messages sent to us, incl. identifiers, such as IP addresses, and recordings from the camera systems in the stores.

The Seller fulfills its duty to inform the Buyer through a special document in the sense of Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council on the protection of individuals with regards to processing the personal data and on the free circulation of such data and on the annulment of the directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (further referred to as the “GDPR Regulation”) related to the processing of Buyer’s personal data for the purpose of fulfillment of the Purchase Contract and for the fulfillment of Seller’s public legal obligations.

Dispute settlement

Mutual disputes between the Seller and the Buyer are settled by the general courts.

Based on the Buyer Protection Act No. 634/1992 Sb., as amended, the Buyer who is a consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute following the Purchase Contract or a contract on service providing. The Czech
Trade Inspection is an entitled entity to carry out out-of-court dispute resolution .

More information is available at www.coi.cz.

The out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute shall be initiated solely on the Buyer’s proposal and only if fit has not been managed to settle the dispute directly with the Seller. The proposal may be filed no later than 1 year from the day the Buyer has first claimed his right that is the subject of the dispute.

The Buyer has the right to initiate an out-of-court dispute settlement online
through the ODR platform available at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

This procedure shall not be considered a mediation following the Act No. 202/2012 Sb., On Mediation, as amended, nor the arbitration under Act No. 216/1994 Sb., On Arbitration and the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards, as amended, and its use shall be without prejudice to the right of the parties to turn their claim to the Czech Trade Inspection or the court.

For the duration of the out-of-court settlement proceedings, the limitation period or the preclusion under the Civil Code shall not run or start to run until one of the dispute parties explicitly refuses to carry on in the settlement.

Final Provisions

All arrangements between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. Shall the relation established by the purchase contract contain an international element, then the parties agree that this relation is governed by the law of the Czech Republic. This is without prejudice to the
Buyer‘s rights under generally binding legal regulations.

In regards to the Buyer, the Seller shall be not bound by any codes of conduct within the meaning of § 1826 prg. 1, letter e) of the Civil Code.

All rights to the Seller’s website, especially copyright to the content, including page layout, photos, movies, graphics, trademarks, logos, and other content and elements, shall belong to the Seller. It is forbidden to copy, modify or otherwise use the website or its part without the consent of the Seller.

The Seller shall not be responsible for the errors resulting from interference of third parties on the online store or caused by its use contrary to its purpose. When using the online store, the Buyer shall not use procedures that may harm its operation and he shall not engage in any activity that may allow him or the third parties to misuse the software or other parts of the online store or to use it in such manner that may conflict with its purpose.

The Buyer hereby assumes the risk of changing circumstances based on the Section 1765 prg. 2 of the Civil Code.

The purchase contract, including the Business Conditions, shall be archived by the Seller in an electronic form and shall be not accessible.

The Seller may change or ad to the text of the Business Conditions. This provision shall be without prejudice to rights and obligations arising during the effective period of the previous version of the Business Conditions.

These Business Conditions shall come into force on the effective date 01.15.2021